Friday, September 25, 2020

Ahgamen on Astrology, reposted from main site for AhgameN keyboA articles, reposted from there

These are some of the ahgameN keyboA writings which have been recovered from previous websites.  (no thanks to greedy and harmful lawsuit pending)

The subject matter is Astro-sciences, mostly from the angle of Astrology, ahgameN's research into that, and "a new approach" which was offered by ahgameN as early as 2009.


Dec 12, 2009

Less importance needs to be placed upon the Zodiac signs. More attention needs to be paid to the planets and their house placements. Also the planetary aspects are extremely important.

Bearing this in mind, we should realize that talking about the “cusp” or “ingress” into a sign actually is useless information. I feel that more research has to be done in the area of zodiac influence. I do believe that we should apply the basic principles of the “quarters of the year”, the solstices and equinoxes. This fundamental division of the sky and of the annual cycle is valid.

We should have little regard for the interpretation of asteroids, since we do not even have mastery of the larger planets. If at all, the importance of the asteroid probably comes into affect when it is in opposition to the Sun.

We need to carefully examine the materialistic knowledge which has been compiled by the astronomers, especially in the past 50 years. I would point in particular toward any data about the distances of the planets, the energetic spectrum which they are radiating towards the Earth, as well as any information about gravitational effects.

These are my general postulations, which I will be glad to expand upon through this blog and the central site – Welcome to the School! You are invited to participate.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

It's important to know the current positions of celestial bodies

The celestial bodies are making continuous movements, which generates time itself. It's important to know the current positions of these bodies, planets and the Sun and Moon.  You can find these by using various websites, which update this data in real-time.  I use or others...


The Quantum, Fractal, Holographic Continuum by Louis Acker

The Quantum, Fractal, Holographic Continuum

UPDATED April 21, 2019
Philosophers and spiritual teachers throughout the ages and in every part of the world have taught that there are more refined and subtle levels of existence that interpenetrate manifest, sustain and ultimately destroy the manifestations of physical reality we interact with in our daily lives.
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Thursday, December 26, 2019

2020 through 2025 The Crucial years that will determine human destiny an astrological analysis Louis Acker

Originally posted on December 13, 2019 by Louis S. Acker

2020 through 2025

The Crucial years that will determine human destiny

an astrological analysis

Saturn in Capricorn turns direct on September 18, 2019  at 13 degrees and 54 minutes of Capricorn. Corporate  Business and Government agendas  will move forward on whatever they have planned after a period of relative analysis of data and introspective preparation and setting future agendas.

In the first 2 weeks of September The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all transiting in Virgo. This places a strong emphasis, on detailed analysis, and precision and skill in work. Medical concerns, epidemics, and the resurgence of mutated forms of old diseases, that were thought to have been brought under control will be a major concern. Breakdown of neglected infrastructures. Abuse of the environment as a result of industrial pollution, and financial expediency at the expense of public health and safety will be of increasing public concern, as the consequences of past abuse of environmental safety set in and erode the quality of life. Increasing availability of factual scientific data regarding these issues will make the public mare aware  that established official institutions have been lying to the public all along.

  For instance there have  been thousands of scientific studies that conclusively prove that that Wi-Fi radiation from cell phone networks and cell phones have serious health affects including, increased risk of cancer and brain damage. In spite of this huge corporations, such As Microsoft, Apple,   computer chip manufacturers such as Intel, Samsung, TSMC, Qualcomm,  and their major internet dissemination platforms, such as Google, You tube, Face book, and others,  have done whatever they can to suppress public awareness of this proven scientific information through their financial control  of major news organizations, internet outlets, are actively censoring, harassing, deliberately falsifying, and taking down legitimate internet Sites having proven factual information the establishment or deep state does not want the public to know about...

(read more at:  Louis Acker website )

Ahgamen keyboA_: Who is? Jeopardy-show type Riddle

Ahgamen keyboA_: Who is? Jeopardy-show type Riddle :   Question for all of you, students of Civilogia.  Who are we talking about here?  Who ...